Wild Explorer

Location – Anaheim

Runway Details – Dressabelle (Similar), H&M Cardigan (Similar), Tory Burch Bootie (Similar)

Suede continues to be an important fashion trend into spring. It has officially became season-less, now can be worn all year round. Suede is also a great transitional piece as the weather gets warmer. An easy way to stylize suede is with a cardigan or duster, creating that casual chic look ready for any occasion. We stumbled upon this barn as we came to the end of our trail. I can’t wish for more, this is the perfect spot to shoot our suede outfit. While I am running around like a wild horse should I say, my photographer tried to catch every little moment as I move. I have to admit that every photoshoot, nothing ever goes according to our plans, whether it’s the location, the outfit, sometimes I forget this and that. But in the end, it always works out for the better. Maybe sometimes we just need to take a step back and relax, just let things work out on its own. Fingers crossed you won’t get caught off guard, like the rain last week.

麂皮是春夏不可缺少的单品,现在一年四季都可以看到麂皮的影子。 随着天气慢慢变热, 正是穿麂皮的最佳时候。你可以选择一条长款的针织外套作为搭配,既简单又休闲。黑色短靴也添加了几分的帅气。虽然每次周末摄影, 都是不按着计划走,但是每次都有不一样的收获和惊喜。 有时候我们要学会跟着感觉走, 让这些惊喜给你带来灵感。 慢慢学会去爱上这种不确定性。 如果现在的你已经知道你未来的50年会做些什么,遇到什么样的人, 那么生活又有什么乐趣呢?

Thank you for reading!

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